I have the pleasure today of welcoming Lorraine Nelson to my blog. I 'met' Lorraine awhile ago now on a writing forum. It's funny how you develop these relationships over time, but may never actually meet in person. The internet has made such connections possible. I knew Lorraine had been writing for a long time, aspiring to be published, trudging the submission and rejection cycle and I was rooting for her to make it almost from the first SO I'm pleased to have her here to talk about her latest release :) with such an inspiring post. Take it away, Lorraine!
Some people (I
refuse to name names) have commented on the fact that I’ve left it too late to
be a success as an author. After all, my children are all grown up and (gasp!)
I have grandchildren.
Do you want to
know what I think? It’s never too late to dream and to actively pursue a goal!
Anyone who
persists in achieving their dream is a success in my book.
Even if I’d never
been published, writing fills a need, a restlessness inside me. I can’t
remember a time when I didn’t write, jotting down short stories (back then only
a page or two or six) or poetry. I love rhyming, making thoughts connect,
telling a simple story through words.
When my children
were small, I enjoyed reading to them, imparting my love of the written word. I
even wrote and published a couple of books and posters aimed at their age
group. The learning experience involved in that was unreal…challenging and
rewarding in equal measure.
I’d tried to
write what I enjoy reading, but with a full-time job and kids at home, I rarely
had a spare minute to myself. I applaud anyone who can write with children
under foot. I certainly can’t.
Peace and quiet
is the rule of thumb for me.
In the past two
and a half years that I’ve lived alone, I’ve written eight full-length novels
and three novellas. I also have six novels in various stages of completion,
including the one I just started today. Writing involves a continual learning
curve. I learn something new with each manuscript I write. I’ve also learned
that you can’t always ‘write what you know’, especially when your characters
take you in the opposite direction. I’ve had to research oodles of stuff, but
it’s all good.
Zakia and the
Cowboy was rejected seven times before being picked up by Evernight Publishing.
To date, I’ve suffered more rejections than I care to count, but each one
served its purpose by making me more determined than ever to succeed. “I can do
this” became my mantra. The thought of giving up never crossed my mind. I love
writing! Positive thinking is the key. Don’t let the negatives bog you down. Learn
from those rejections and keep striving to craft the best story possible.
The day I
received the contract offer from Evernight, I couldn’t believe it. It took a
few days for it to sink in, but once I received that gorgeous cover, designed
by the fabulous Dara
I knew it was very real indeed.
Since the release
of my debut novel in October, Zakia and the Cowboy has been a phenomenal
success, appearing on several Bestseller lists and becoming a Featured Title at
All Romance Ebooks for three weeks. Better than that were the reader reviews.
They’d enjoyed it and wanted more. Luckily, I had more planned.
Mission: Undercover Cop
is Samantha Muldoon and Blake Northrup’s story. It’s the second book in the
Thunder Creek Ranch series and I was lucky enough to have Dara design this
cover as well. It perfectly complements the Cover for Book 1. I’m eagerly
awaiting its release on November 28
th, but I’m anxious, too. Will it
entertain my readers and give them as much joy as Zakia and Luke’s story did? I
think so. I definitely hope so. It was such a joy to write.
I remember
falling in love with Blake when I wrote Book 1. And Sam, well, she’s a feisty,
independent woman who challenges him at every turn.
Book 3 is written
and once it’s edited, it’ll be off to Evernight as well. I’ve started writing
Book 4, and the words are flowing great.
Have I left it too late to become a successful author?
No, I don’t think so, and according to reader reviews, they don’t either. J
I so love hearing from my readers! It’s important to know what works and
doesn’t work for them as I continue to craft stories of love and mystery. You
can find me at:
Thank you for having me here today, Kaily. It’s been fun.
Thanks, Lorraine for your wonderful words!! Your journey is one to be admired.
One commenter will receive a free download, their choice, Thunder Creek
Ranch, Book 1,
Zakia and the Cowboy, or Book 2,
Covert Mission:
Undercover Cop (releasing Nov 28th). You must be a follower of LORRAINE'S blog to be eligible. So leave your comments and/or questions and I’ll do my best
to answer. :)