Please welcome Wendy S. Marcus to my blog today. Wendy begins her journey as a published Harlequin author this month. What an exciting time!
Hi Kaily! Thank you so much for having me to your blog today! I know I should be talking about my book or my journey to publication. But, odd as it may seem, I’ve chosen grapes as my topic for this blog post. Read on to see how this ties into writing.
You're welcome but...grapes? Grapes!? Okay, this has got to be good!
A few weeks ago I volunteered to prepare and serve lunch at a local shelter. My food donation was 25 servings of fruit. I chose to bring grapes, which are not as easy as bananas or oranges because grapes need to be washed, cut into portions, and placed in single serving baggies.
During the washing process, after dumping a large package of grapes into the colander, I found a poker chip. Yes. I said poker chip. Now most people would have tossed that chip into the trash and got back to work. Not me. I’m a writer and my mind tends to wander.
I examined the chip. Dark blue with white lettering. Along the outer rim were pictures of hearts, spades, diamonds and clubs. In the center the number 25 next to a C with two short lines running horizontally through the middle.
Where had this chip come from and why was it in my bag of grapes? I wondered. My writer’s mind went to work. Maybe there was something hidden in the bag of grapes and the chip was to help someone locate it. Maybe a drug dealer. I sniffed my grapes, like I had any idea what the heck I was sniffing for, but certainly if there were drugs I’d smell them. Right? I inspected the grapes for white powder. Hey, I watch television.
So I carefully washed the grapes, palpating each for anything abnormal.
So I ate a few. I can’t very well serve them to strangers if I wasn’t willing to eat them myself.
Okay. The chip was probably not drug related. So I continued on with my task. But couldn’t get past the question: How did that poker chip wind up in my grapes?
What if it’d been in the pocket of some poor migrant worker, his last thing of value in the world? What if he’d meant to cash it in before work so he could feed his seven children? And now I had it and his children were going hungry. Because of me. I felt horrible.
I called my daughter, the movie fanatic, to share my concerns. She suggested maybe the poker chip was a tracking device. For what? Drugs! I actually imagined two burly men with Uzis tracking a red flashing dot that led to my kitchen. “But I didn’t find any drugs,” I said to my daughter actually starting to feel a bit nervous. “Oh no,” I cried out. “Maybe the poker chip is the drugs.” After all it was very light weight.
I picked up the poker chip like it would explode if mishandled. I ran my fingers over the edges. Solid. I tried to bend it. Solid. I threw it on the floor. Solid. All while my daughter laughed hysterically on the phone.
I am an absolute lunatic. Which, it turns out, is the right frame of mind for a writer. I don’t take things at face value. I question. I wonder why and what if. I imagine the possibilities.
I see a happy couple at the library and I wonder why they’re so happy. What were they doing fifteen minutes ago to make them all smiley and touchy-feely? And what if the librarian is the girl’s mother and she knows what they’ve been doing and she’s fuming? Does she make a scene? Maybe lay into her daughter or fling a thick autobiography at the boys head? Or does she maintain the strict librarian code of conduct…while she places a call to her husband…who grabs his shotgun and jumps into the family Ford?
It is exhausting being me.
But entertaining.
So, the reason I’m actually here is to tell you about my debut Harlequin Medical Romance, When One Night Isn’t Enough now available to any UK visitors on the Mills and Boon website here. Kaily has graciously invited me back for another chat on July 11th, my release day in the U.S. and Australia. I hope you’ll all stop by for another visit!
As part of my debut release celebration I’m running two contests with Amazon gift cards as prizes. Please check out my website for details on how to enter. And while you’re there check out the excerpts for When One Night Isn’t Enough and its sequel Once a Good Girl.
Now for my questions: Have you ever read a Harlequin Medical Romance? If yes, what did you think? If no, why not? And are you willing to make mine your first? Also, do you have a writer’s rambling mind? Give me some examples. Or tell me this, what do you think is the story behind my poker chip? One lucky commenter will win a copy of the 2in1 UK version of my book which includes a second complete novel by Author Janice Lynn.
LOL. Wendy, what a great story. Yeah, it's a chore being a writer sometimes! Thank you so much for stopping by. Much congratulations and best wishes for your book and I look forward to delving further into your journey to publication as part of Just Published in July!
Personal Poetry for Novelists
2 days ago
Your poker chip story had me laughing.
ReplyDeleteI think the farm worker or whoever bags the grapes, all sneak off at break time to play poker. BUT this worker cheats and stuck the poker chip up his sleeve but then when he had to go back to work, the chip fell out. Serves him right for cheating. Er or is that cards that you stick up the sleeve and not the chips?? *shrugs*
Best of luck with your book!
MichelleKCanada - Another Look Book Reviews
Hi Kaily!
ReplyDeleteI just caught your link on Facebook and came right over to say thanks so much for hosting me today! Of course it's just after midnight here in the U.S. and I'm heading off to bed. But I'll be back first thing in the morning and throughout the day to chat with any visitors.
Hi Michelle!
ReplyDeleteI see you have a writer's wandering mind, too!!! Isn't it fun? I checked out your blog. Very nice! Thanks so much for stopping by!
Hey Wendy! I love your voice! You had me laughing over my morning coffee...which is a wonderful way to start a Friday :). My mind would have wandered off in much the same way, so I can relate LOL. And the library couple? Oh yeah. I do that everywhere. I really hope folks don't notice that I'm watching them. It would look strange if I wore dark sunglasses inside, you know? the poker chip. I'm thinking that there's a heroine in her thirties, who carries it around as a reminder. It used to belong to her drunk, gambling father before he died. She inherited the alcoholism gene and ended up going through AAA. Now, she carries it as a token. BUT, no one knows and she has the career break of a lifetime. Her boss wants her to cinch a deal with the owner of this winery (who happens to be the hero). She thinks she can handle it, but at some point in her tours/dealings with the owner, she drops the chip. Let's say there's competition, attraction etc...and the hero unknowingly invites her to a wine tasting, insisting that she can't work with the winery if she doesn't like the see where the conflict is going? She needs that chip back, Wendy! LOL. Okay, not funny, but she's not real...right? :)
Best wishes to you!
Blessed by holy water she'd stolen from Church,Francie hurried past the greengrocer for grapes. A bagful. Horny Mr. Chen fell into her cleavage when she bent to retrieve an orange. A quick grab of glorious green grapes just happened to fall into her open straw bag and she flew down the street. My lucky day, she thought. One red chip, free grapes, and the game. Francie ducked into an alley, opened a heavy door and swayed luscious hips down stairs where she might win.
ReplyDeleteWandering mind, hmm? I call writing my double life.
Delightful blog, Wendy.
Hi Rula!
ReplyDeleteYou're pretty funny yourself. I got a nice laugh from your comment! Obviously you suffer from this rambling mind syndrome, too! Well, I consider myself in good company!
Thanks for stopping by!
Hi Charmaine!
ReplyDeleteGreat hook line! Loved your comment..swayed luscious hips indeed!!!
Thanks for stopping by!
Wendy! I love your story about the grapes and the poker chip. I sincerely hope you turn that into a story! I'll be the first in line to buy it.
ReplyDeleteHi Wendy!!
ReplyDeleteEnjoyed your post and can appreciate your inquisitive mind!!! Wanted to let you know that I'm loving your new release "When One Night Isn't Enough" and am so glad to have your book in hand. Thank you for taking my mind on the journey through Madrin Memorial Hospital and its delicious characters! Congratulations and my best to you!!! Dale Ann
Hi Heather!
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you liked my little grape story! And you never know...everything in my life has the potential to wind up in a book at some point!
Thanks for stopping by and congrats on your sale and upcoming release!
Hi Dale Ann!
ReplyDeleteI'm thrilled you're enjoying my book...and that you think my characters are delicious! That's quite a compliment!
Thanks for stopping by!
Good luck, Wendy! You are truly off to a great start!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Kaye! How nice of you to say so! Thank you for stopping by!
ReplyDeleteHi Wendy, Hello Kaily,
ReplyDeleteWendy I loved the way your wandering mind came up with the story for the misplaced poker chip. And from all the above comments, the same theme/topic can conjure up so many different stories!
Congratulations on the release of your book WHEN ONE NIGHT ISN'T ENOUGH.
Kaily, thanks for hosting Wendy!
Hi Nas!
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you enjoyed my post! Thanks for stopping by!
LOL, Wendy! I can see you building an entire series around the grape poker chip because you do have the mind of a writer. What a great story. And how lucky your kids are to have a mom who gets them laughing on the phone over something so simple and sinister!
ReplyDeleteNooooooooooooo!! You can't tell that poker chip story and not finish it off. What did you do with that chip? Is it sitting on your desk as inspiration for your next book? Did you visit all the casinos in your city to find out where it belonged or cash it in?
ReplyDeleteI think it belonged to a girl who works really hard as a nurse so she can keep a roof over the heads of her three younger brothers. She was given the chip by her last patient and thinks it's worth a couple of dollars. She's stunned to find out it's a $10,000 chip and needs to find patient to thank him ...
LOL, that's fun :-)
As you know, I read medicals and have read yours and it's fab so romance readers everywhere need to get hold of it and read it already!!
Hi Regina!
ReplyDeleteIt was actually my daughter who suggested I blog about it! She's very fun and we love to laugh together!
Thanks for stopping by!
Hi Joanne!
ReplyDeleteYou think like me. Okay. So here's where we stand. The poker chip is on my desk. I'm actually looking at it right now. Do you know I wouldn't throw it out just in case it was worth a ton of money? There's a 25 in the center with a C with two lines in the middle. We researched the symbol and my younger daughter thinks it's a Euro symbol - which makes no sense since according to the packaging, my grapes came from Chilli. Which we researched and learned their currency is the Chillean peso. My husband went so far as to see if we could cash the chip in somewhere but there are no specific casino markings.
Let's just say, this poker chip has taken up quite a bit of my time. Do you think Flo will accept it as an excuse if I miss my deadline??
P.S. - Love the nurse angle. My mind is already running with the story.
Thanks for stopping by. I'm so glad you enjoyed my book and are so kind to tell everyone!!!
Leave it to you to take a poker chip and turn it into a fascinating story! Great blog post - am counting down the days till I get your book in my hot little hand!!!
ReplyDeleteHi Jen!
ReplyDeleteAs you know, we writers are an entertaining bunch! And you may get a copy of my book sooner rather than later as I will be picking a winner for a free copy tomorrow.
Good luck! And thanks for stopping by.
What a great way to start the day, reading a snippet spun about a poker chip!
ReplyDeleteWhat if the poker chip had magical properties? Have you tried rubbing it to see if it starts heating up and glowing? LOL
Hi Nancy!
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you enjoyed my post! And sadly, if my poker chip has magical powers they are not accessed by rubbing. Although it does get nice and warm. Magical powers. Hmmm. I hadn't considered the possibility. Until now. Oy! Here I on another rambling idea!!
Thanks for stopping by!
Great story! Made me laugh out loud, imagining you throwing the poker chip onto the floor to see if it was made of drugs. LOL!
ReplyDeleteHi Shoshanna!
ReplyDeleteNow it seems like odd behavior, but while I was in the moment it seemed perfectly logical!
Thanks for stopping by!
I thought I was the only lunatic writer.
ReplyDeleteHi Kat!
ReplyDeleteNo. You're in good company!
Thanks for stopping by!
Hi Wendy - Great story.
ReplyDeleteI'm thinking of two buddies who work at the grape factory & play poker together on Friday nights. One plays a joke on the other by taking his "lucky" chip. Finally, before the week is out, the other relents and thumb flings it across the conveyor belt that's filled with grapes back to his luckless friend. Only his friend misses and falls in among the bunches grapes. Before they could find it, off it goes to be bagged up and delivered to your grocery store.
Now the poor guy hasn't won a single hand of five card stud since.
Can't wait for your book!
Oh - it's the chip that falls in, not the friend! Hahaha. That would be intersting too. Really should preview first. :-)
ReplyDeleteShoot. I responded to this but don't know where it went! You know, when I read your first post I automatically pictured the chip falling into the grapes not the luckless friend. Great story you writer you!
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by!
ReplyDeleteSo...that good looking guy who can't get a date without his lucky conversation poker chip is suffering tonight! That's how he stays a human, y'know. That 25c on it? His tracking number. That number tells his superiors where he is at all times. Those two small lines through it? They tell the elders when someone else has the chip. Watch out, Wendy. They're coming for that chip!
But, before they get you- pick me to read your book since I can't get it in the US yet! HURRY!
Thanks Kaily.
Hi Wendy,
ReplyDeleteOh you had me laughing out loud with your poker chip story. Bu I must admit I did wonder why, if you suspected drugs, would you 1. sniff the grapes and/or 2. eat them? But it's easy to see why, with your writer's mind, you did what you did :)
I LOVE Medicals! I read LOTS of Medicals! Some of my best friends are Medical authors! (Fiona Lowe, Sharon Archer to name but two) There's something about hunky doctors, nurses and medical men in general. I will definitely be buying yours when it comes out in Australia (July, check)
Yes, I have a writer's mind too. One time I had the TV on in the background and there was a school program on. It had to do with Chemistry (my university major, though that's not why I watched it. I don't know why it was on because I rarely work with the TV on) and they discussed the chemistry of lipsticks. Which got me thinking about the chemistry between two people who were trying out a new *kiss-proof* formula for lipstick! And the words just flew onto the page :)
Good luck with your Medical - When One Night Isn't Enough - GREAT title! (LOVE all the M&B/Harlequin new look titles!!)
Thanks Kaily for hosting such a wonderful guest blogger.
Hugs from Down Under
Hi Wendy,
ReplyDeleteCongrats and thanks for a great blog...I'm still smiling.
Your topic really tickles the mind and I've got a story for it too. There's a couple who've separated because of issues. Now the girl examines her heart and wants to be back with the guy. She sells grapes and he is involved somehow (maybe in buying ) They used to play poker and as a sentimental gesture she still has the chip.She puts it in the grapes so he'll see it and contact her if he's of the same mind. But accidentally it's come into your hands, so let's hope she finds enough courage to ask him outright.
Yes, being a doctor, I love to read Medical though not so much currently. Would love to pick one up again.
Coming in late but I LOVE M&B Medical Romances!! My fave authors so far are Fiona Lowe and Carol Marinelli but I LOVE the sound of your book :)
ReplyDeleteHi Wendy ~ Life got in the way and I have just found time to come and read your post. Love the grapes. Love the poker chip. I would be trying to figure out which casino it came from which would be an exercise in fertility.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much to everyone for stopping by to support Wendy and thanks to you, Wendy for your laugh out loud story!! Much luck and mega sales with your book!
ReplyDeleteHi Lisa!
ReplyDeleteGreat take on the poker chip! What a rambling writer's mind you have!
Thanks for stopping by.
Hi Serena!
ReplyDeleteI assure you, if the grapes looked even the tiniest bit off I would have tossed them immediately!
Fiona and Sharon are wonderful. While I don't know them personally, I e-mail back and forth with each of them.
Thanks for stopping by!
Hi Ruchita!
ReplyDeleteNow instead of worrying that my guy's seven kids are going hungry I'm worried that I am standing in the way of true love. All because I have the poker chip that is the key!!!
It'd be great if you decided to jump back into medicals with my book. I hope you find it entertaining.
Thanks for stopping by.
Hi Rachael!
ReplyDeleteI'm so happy you LOVE M&B Medical Romance. I enjoy Fiona's and Carol's books, too!
I hope you check out my book. I'd love to know what you think.
Thanks for stopping by!
Hi Kaelee!
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by on yet another stop on my blog tour. You are certainly in the running for most stops visited!
We did try to find a casino but there are no specific casino markings on the chip!
Take care and thanks so much for visiting me!
Hi Kaily!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for having me! I'll e-mail you the winner of my book today. I held off because I thought you were in Las Vegas.
Kaily has asked me to post the winner of the book giveaway....Drum roll please.... Congratulations....Serena!!!! I sent you an e-mail. As soon as you send me your mailing address my book will be on it's way to you!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you everyone for stopping by! There are still chances to win. Check out the News page of my website for the next stop on my blog tour.
I look forward to chatting over there.
Hi Wendy,
ReplyDeleteWe shall definitely follow you around as you share such fun and new things in your post. And we all love reading about you!
Congratulations Serena! Enjoy your book!
OMG! I won! Thanks so much Wendy!! Thanks, Kaily for having Wendy as your guest.